Bruce has his. Simon eats his. Cakes are Yummy. This is their story...
As always, click the pics to go down a slice...
Ancient Greek Birthday Cakes - Plakus
Cakes and Ale Twelfth Night
Expressions Including Cake
The Jaffa Cake Story
The Caterpillar Cake Wars
Cecil the Caterpillar at Waitrose.
Chris the Caterpillar at Poundland.
Clive the Caterpillar at One Stop.
Letty the Caterpillar at Asda.
Curious Caterpillar Cake at the Co-Op.
Curly the Caterpillar at Tesco.
Cuthbert the Caterpillar at Aldi.
Morris the Caterpillar at Morrisons.
Kunga Cake (Squashed Midges)
The Cup Cake Story
The Cup Cake Periodic Table
A Wedding Cake and St Brides
Escaping Prison by Cake
SO Many Cakes
Urinal Cake
Cake - The 'Made Up Drug'
Cakes That Look Like Other Things
Mr Kipling's Exceedingly Good Cakes
Sometimes, Mr Kipling Doesn't Exceed...
Cake Mix - The True Story Behind the Box
Betty Crocker
The World's Biggest Cake
72,582 Candles on Cake
Cup Cake Eating Record
This is how it's done (not the record we mentioned, but disgusting, nevertheless.)
It didn't make the edit, but just for fun, here's the Eddie Izzard Cake or Death Sketch.