Bruce takes notes. Simon cashes in.
It makes the world go around... but how much do you actually know about its history? In this episode, we go from bartering to Bitcoin and from cocoa beans to million-pound coins.
Many of the images below link to interesting articles. Please feel free to click the pics.
The Mayans and Aztecs used Cocoa Beans as money and were very protective of their beans. They paid for food, clothes, taxes, gifts, and offerings to their gods using cocoa beans. Having a pocket full of beans was like having a wallet full of cash.
Canada used playing cards as money
First coin - 770BC China

A pound of Sterling Silver
A Spanish dollar cut into bits
Using a plastic note to play a record
The 100,000 dollar note

A 9th Century cheque
Cheque on a halibut

This halibut was a legal bill of exchange. The 150lb fish honoured a rates bill to the local council from businessman Randall Arnold, who was reportedly protesting the condition of roads outside his frozen food depot.
KLF burning 1million
Clipping coins
British coins make a picture

The History of Crypto
First ATM 1967
The world's biggest piggy bank
The World's Largest coin - the Big Maple Leaf

Banks issuing British banknotes

From what I hear, money, so they say, is the root of all evil today.
But I think money. Its a hit! But don't give me that do goody good B********.
(you know I had to do it, right)