In this episode, Bruce claimed that his old man was a dustman (in song). Simon dug into a Roman garbage patch.
The pictures below are mostly linked to bigger stories for those of you who would like to dig deeper into rubbish. Click on a pic to find out more
The biggest Roman Rubbish Dump. Click this pic to find out more.
The Swedes love Norwegian rubbish. Click the pic.
F1 Tyres. Click this pic to discover how they're disposed of.
An excerpt from 'Of the Dustmen of London'
The Taiwanese Garbage Truck song
Rubbish on the Moon
Rubbish on Mount Everest
M6 Toll Road Mills and Boone
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Polartec is made from pop bottles
Girl Guides collecting bottle tops for the Blue Petter Guide Dogs Appeal.
The history of R Whites
Deposit Return Scheme